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We scan the best business publications for information on One to One Marketing, Mass Customization and Agility. This allows us to bring you thought leadership on changing your business, taking advantage of the latest technology and delighting your customers.

Content Strategy

​Big web players such as Google and Facebook or LinkedIn, Amazon and KiJiJi are aggregating information about each customer and each transaction. This allows for more and more customized services and customized advertising and online content.


For more information on Mass Customization please read the Economist article located at


We like the parable of the 'Stone Soup.' What makes some entreprenuers truly successful? What is the cultural secret of entrepreneurship. Can you become an 'Intrepreneur' by promoting promising looking projects in your company portfolio?

This project looks at the changes in every industry - especially in music, publishing and other - and the role that entrepreneurship plays in driving that change forward while keeping a customer focus in mind.

Angel Investing 

This project focuses on the success factors involved in bringing a good idea or scientific and technical innovation to marketplace. We have all seen the TV show Dragon's Den. This project traces the financing of innovation in many markets across the world.

Why are some places better at innovation than others? We study the external factors which contribute to successful business valuation, using tools like future cash flow and asset valuation.

Social Work

I am engaged with social enterprises, such as LOFT Community Services and St. Jude's Community Homes, as well as the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The social benefits of Mass Customization and One-to-One Marketing are obvious:

Imagine an economy where each consumer is at the centre of a node of customization - each purchase comes closer and closer to the customer's dream!

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